It´s time to have a great website!

What makes a good website is not just it´s looks

When done correctly, your website turns into 24/7 sales person that drives revenue growth for your business day in, day out. It has to impress the socks off your target audience (mark my words, if you don´t, your competitors will) and it should truly express your brand personality.

Unless it´s built with the customer in the mind, your website salesperson is very unlikely to perform at its best. And it is not just design that is important – how well is it SEO optimized? How well is it designed with the end user in mind? How seamless is the customer journey? These are all very important aspects of a truly impressive website and will determinate how well it converts visitors into customers.

Website development

Checklist for a great website

Look Great Everywhere

Your responsive website will look great on desktop, tablet & mobile

Loads Fast

Site speed matters. We´ll optimize your Google Page Speed score.

Optimized for Search

Onsite SEO best practices enable you to get more from search.

Track Your Visitors

Google Analytics provide you deep insights about your visitors.

Ongoing Support

Be it regular updates, minor or major changes on the website, we got your back.

It´s All Yours

You retain 100% ownership of everything we build for you.

Our process


Your website strategy is about being clear on what we need your 24/7 salesperson to do for each of your target audiences, and what user journey each segment of your target audience will need & want in order for them to engage and convert. For example, a 33-year-old male will have very different needs than a 69-year-old female, yet they both may be interested in your products or services, therefore our strategy should incorporate:

Core messages:

Research shows that content “above the fold” attracts the most attention – your core messages should be given priority location on every page and sit above the fold. You want to make sure that your website homepage features all of your core messages in a simple and easy to digest format.

Value Proposition: This is a statement about what value you provide to your customer.

Sales Propositions: This is where you can demonstrate an understanding of the key challenges your audience face, and provide insights into the solutions you can provide.

Unique Selling Propositions: This is what makes you unique and are the reasons why your target audience should choose you over your competitors.

Website appearance:

Your website needs to be visually stunning but also practical. Using the white space, bullet points, colour/buttons/typography (to differentiate things like hyperlinks or calls to action) and images to break up the page and make it easy to read.

UX / navigation:

Google Analytics is going to reveal a lot about who your website visitors are and how they are interacting with your website. Think about how patient you are when you’re navigating the world wide web.  If you can’t find what you’re looking for in a matter of seconds, bang – you’re out of there.  With this in mind, you need to make accessing, navigating and interacting with your website as simple and easy as possible. Things to think about include:

Page speed – the quicker the better.

Simplifying forms – Literally nobody wants to fill in loads of information. The simpler the better.

Contact us (phone, email, live chat/messenger) – think about how and when people may want to get in touch.

Seamless checkout / enquiry process – where are the drop out points in your path to purchase and what is the cause? Using Google Analytics to find the answer to these questions can help uncover obstacles or issues that you may have otherwise been unaware of, such as issues with the website setup/structure, an over-complicated checkout process, or shipping cost.

Calls to Action (CTA) – Each page should deliberately lead the user to the next phase in the customer journey. Think about what action you want the user to take after visiting each page of your website, and ensure the CTA features throughout and again at the end of the page in a simple and clear format.


With any website project, it’s important to have the right tracking and reporting in place to record accurate data from all your digital assets. This allows us to start producing the reports we need to see what is working and isn’t working in your marketing. The main focus for us is using Google Analytics to track how people find your website, how engaged they are with your site from each digital channel, and what’s generating outcomes for your business.  We will want to determine:


What goals are set up (including phone tracking)?

What views are set up?

Are Google Analytics, Google Ads, Search Console all linked correctly?

What E-commerce tracking (if relevant) is set up?

What reporting framework is set up?

We´ll also conduct a website audit which will take into account your content, navigational structure, SEO, USPs, user journey, mobile responsiveness and lead capture ability.


Now that your website is up and running, technically sound and making prospects happy with a great user experience – it’s NOT the time to get all lazy and sit on the couch. Continually reviewing how your website is performing, how it looks, what messages you are broadcasting and how well you are continuing to meet the ever-changing demands of your audience is pivotal to growing your business. You want to be thinking about:


Your website content has to be unique, relevant and most importantly, informative.  More and more users are searching for information, not an advertisement – so the more fresh, new and updated content you can create that answers their questions the better.  Some key aspects of website content include:

About us page: spend a bit of time on this to really nail your brand personality, reveal insights about who you are and why you exist.

Start a blog: this is a way to add new and fresh content to your site and gives you a reason to be sharing it on all your social networks. It also helps position you as an authority on a particular subject.

Keyword research: after 6-12 months you really want to be conducting a thorough keyword research analysis to identify gaps in your content. You can then create content specifically around the keywords you know your target audience is searching for.

Site engagement:

How well is your target audience engaging with your website? Time to look at: bounce rate, time on site, behavior (pages viewed), and source.

Lead capture:

Capturing leads may not be the first priority when you initially launch your website, but it should definitely form part of your long-term digital marketing strategy. Visitors to your site who are willing to leave their email address want to hear from you again and are therefore a qualified lead. There are lots of lead generation tactics such as providing free information (e-book, white papers or guides) or enticing visitors to sign up to newsletter for a discount off first purchase. It’s an excellent way to start building your prospect database and build an email strategy which is still one of the highest ROI activities around.

Let´s chat about how we can help